Project coordinator
Mathias J. Krause
Current code developers
Fabian Kösegi
- V 0.3: Improved intersection functions, coloring of planes
Mathilde Wu
- V 0.2: Bugs correction, math helper script integration
Marc Schnierle
- V 0.1: development
Tim Pertzel
- Website creation and maintenance
- QR-code generator for V 0.2
Former code developers
Stefanie Schutera
- V 0.1: main developer
- Documentation
- Poster
- Exercises sheets for V 0.1
Jonathan Seybold
- V 0.2: QR Code system integration
- Exercises sheets for V 0.2
Sascha Röck
- Advisor
Natascha Hess-Mohr
- Advisor
Lea Willmann
- Documentation
- Poster